On October 15, 2006, I attended the continuing education course Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and the Medical Librarian taught by Connie Schardt and had my already-overwhelmed mind (first semester of health informatics library school) blown away by 8 hours of fantastic teaching. At that point in my studies, I thought people went to continuing education classes at conferences to brush up on knowledge and skills they had already learned and needed a refresher on. I thought I was the only person in the room who had no clue what EBM was, and was greatly relieved to learn that I wasn't!
Connie created the EBM Librarian wiki after our class as an opportunity to continue learning and sharing resources for medical librarians everywhere who are teaching about evidence based practice in their organizations. In the wiki you can find an overview on many topics including what evidence-based practice is, how to make sense of statistics in studies (this part terrified me, but Connie made it so understandable), teaching tools (beware of Jeopardy though, not all audiences enjoy it), and tutorials.
Are you creating or know of EBM teaching resources not already listed on the wiki? Apply to be a writer and join your colleagues! If the thought of adding yet another wetpaint wiki to your list makes you want to run screaming, please feel free to share with me and I'll add them with credit to you and your organization there. I'm not currently on the front lines teaching EBM but with evidence-based resources such as HEAL-WA now available to select practitioners in my state I'm trying to stay current.
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