The Health IT Bibliography from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has a list of broad subjects (Organizational Strategy, Technology, Evaluation, Operations, and Populations & Perspectives) with topics listed first and then the acronym, such as Health Information Exchange (HIE). Bookmark it now, the URL is very long and not memorable!
The first click in on a topic brings you to a page of peer-reviewed sources selected by subject experts (several were at Woods Hole!) that represent "the best known evidence on the benefits, challenges, and best practices" associated with it. They have also made an attempt to list freely accessible articles although some may need institutional/individual access permissions.
Scrolling down to the bottom of the subject page to the 'Click here for more' link leads to supplemental resources to the core listings on the subject page that may not be peer-reviewed but are still valuable contributions to the field. They welcome additional submissions and there are resources from 2008-2009 so it is actively maintained.
This resource has been live since February 2008 but I don't recall hearing about it either in the blogosphere or at Woods Hole. Have I been living under a HIT rock?
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